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The M&G Garden, rajská záhrada podľa Peržanov, zlatá medaila RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2014
The M&G Garden
Designed by
Cleve WestBuilt by
Swatton LandscapeSponsored by
- M&G Investments
Rajská záhrada - priestor, ktorý využíva vodu, tieň a výsadbu ako útočisko, miesto pre rozjímanie - bola vynájdená Peržanmi pred viac ako 2000 rokmi. Na tomto koncepte bola vybudovaná i moderná M & G Garden.
Z vysokej osembokej fontány z vápenca uprostred zníženej terasy steká životodarná voda. Do kamennej steny sú vyryté korene stromu života. Táto jednoduchá metafora poukazuje na skutočnosť, že korene anglickej záhradnej architektúry ležia v dávnej histórii.
Aritmetika a staroveké vedy ovplyvnili ďalšie aspekty návrhu. Štyri stromy okolo fontány predstavujú zem, vodu, vzduch a oheň. Rastliny pre M & G Garden boli vybrané najmä pre svoje senzorické vlastnosti. Tieto, spolu s kamennými prvkami a tečúcou vodou, vytvárajú útočisko v čase 21. storočia - esenciu raja s pocitom nadčasovosti.
Plán výsadby tejto záhrady: https://www.rhs.org.uk/shows-events/PDF/Chelsea/2014-sponsored-gardens/The-M-G-Garden-plant-list-2014-%281%29
Zdroj: https://www.rhs.org.uk
The paradise garden – a space that uses water, shade and planting for
sanctuary and contemplation – was invented by the Persians more than
2,000 years ago. The M&G Garden is a contemporary take on this concept.
Water flows from a tall, octagonal fountain made from Bath limestone and flint in a sunken terrace. Roots of the Tree of Life are engraved into stone wall panels, a simple metaphor alluding to the fact that our English gardening roots lie in ancient history.
Arithmetic and ancient science inform other aspects of the design. Four trees around the fountain represent the elements of earth, water, air and fire. Plants for The M&G Garden have been chosen for their sensory qualities. These, together with stone elements and running water, imbue this 21st century refuge with a sense of timelessness - an essence of paradise.
Water flows from a tall, octagonal fountain made from Bath limestone and flint in a sunken terrace. Roots of the Tree of Life are engraved into stone wall panels, a simple metaphor alluding to the fact that our English gardening roots lie in ancient history.
Arithmetic and ancient science inform other aspects of the design. Four trees around the fountain represent the elements of earth, water, air and fire. Plants for The M&G Garden have been chosen for their sensory qualities. These, together with stone elements and running water, imbue this 21st century refuge with a sense of timelessness - an essence of paradise.
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Takto vyzerá rajská záhrada s perzskými vplyvmi podľa Angličanov |
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Osemboká fontána uprostred terasy. |
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Návrh záhrady v 3D vizualizácii. |
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